Monday, September 27, 2010

September 27 E-Mail

So it's been a good week.  My new companion is Elder Gray.  He is originally from Las Vegas but has been going to BYU for the past five years I think.  His best friend growing up was Bruce Schvaneveldt's son.  Isn't that Dad's cousin?  He has been in the field for like 6 weeks now, and his last area was all english.  So it has been a huge test on the spanish.  He is waiting for his visa to go to Mexico.  They told him 2-3 months and it has been 2.  So He will probably be gone pretty soon.  But you never know.  He is really cool and we get a long really well.  This last transfer we pretty much tracted our entire area and didn't have a lot of success.  So we are going to try and work better with the members this transfer.  Members really are the key.  Yesterday I had to talk in sacrament meeting and that's sort of what I focused on.  So I hope we will see some good things happen.  The Cardena family that we were teaching actually moved out of our area.  But they are still in the boundaries for the spanish branch.  So hopefully the other Elder's will start to work with them soon.  Jesus Coriel is still looking good to be baptized on the 9th of October.  He just accepts everything we teach him.  He is so prepared right now.  He is also very forgiving of my spanish skills.  Yesterday he even gave us a ride to church.  So all he needs to do now is come to one session of conference, and then have a baptismal interview.  So keep on praying for him!!!  Then we have Allen Avra who is now on date to be baptized on the 23rd of October.  He is an awesome guy but he hasn't been to church yet.  So pray he will make it to a session of conference too!  We also had a very good appointment with Ryan this past week and we have him committed to meeting with us tomorrow night at the church.  So he will be able to feel the spirit in the church and want to come back.  Jessica, the girl we were teaching who's boyfriend is a member, she is doing good and they have been reading from the book of mormon every night.  We haven't taught her for a few weeks because things are crazy for her right now, but we do have an appointment tomorrow.  We are way excited about that.  That's probably about it as far as the work goes around here.  This Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday I have meetings I have to go to in Moses Lake for training because I'm a district leader.  I guess it's a training on the way they are training missionaries now in the MTC.  So that should be good and I hope it will really help the work out in our district and our area.  Being district leader is good.  The district is very small so that makes it nice.  There's the zone leaders, us, and one other companionship.  So it's pretty small. 

The lady we ate with the other night said she was going to e-mail you a picture of the bear skull and tell you that's what we had for dinner.  Well we did have bear for dinner but it was in a stew.  It was really good.  Her husband killed a bear last week and we wanted to eat some so he told us we were eating boiled head soup or something like that.  But it was really just a stew.  I went to the Doctor this morning and he said he thinks I might have something going on.  They drew blood so they will let me know pretty quick what the lab results are.  That's about it for this week.  I got another birthday card from Kent and Lori, so please tell them thanks!!  I love you all and thank you for everything.  I love this church.  I know that if we all can be like the Sons of Mosiah and pray and fast and have courage and know that this is a great work, that we will see so many people come unto Christ, we will have missionary moments placed in front of us!  I love you all!!!!  Have a good week!

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